Sunday, December 1, 2019

Was the stretch worth it?

You really stretched your budget to purchase all those bestsellers and get them read before anyone else.

Hoo-ray for you.

Now you're broke, your eyes hurt, you haven't slept, and you have work tomorrow.

Who will be asking you about those swell reads tomorrow around the water cooler? NO ONE.

Why? Because they all have lives to lead. You've spent the whole weekend with your nose buried in a trendy stack of pulp you won't finish, because you don't get the plot, it's dragging in the middle, and, oh yeah, it's booooorrrring.

Instead of shoving another $29.95 into some important publisher's pockets in exchange for a cool bookspine for all of your guests to notice on your bookshelf...

Why not spend about 10% of that exorbitant cover price, on a book that will captivate you, and give you back a ration of thrills, laughs, suspense, horror, sci-fi shenanigans and basic reading pleasure for your weekend?

You need to browse the Fosterical Library o' Modern Classics. Just click Foster's Amazon Author Page, up there with the link 'View All Titles.'

Your purchase price can help out a favorite charity when you shop via AmazonSmile®, and you can share a digital copy with a friend, even if you purchase a paperback, with Amazon Matchbook®!

Plus, Foster gets a meager royalty that goes to help address his medical bills. Writing such fantastic flights of literary larceny helps him escape his less-than-cheery circumstances. But rather than sympathy, he's after readership!

Help a dude out, won't you? Browse, shop, buy, gift, and enjoy!

WANTED: More readers like YOU! Thanks.

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