Friday, November 26, 2021

Your funny bone on trial!

In 2004, (and produced again in a revival by another theatre org in 2013)... this is by far my most successful stage production. It actually spearheaded a Lenny Bruce revival among Southern California/Los Angeles productions... though they hardly knew or acknowledged same. We at least beat them to the punch.

Mr. Bruce, Do You Swear? resurrects the embattled comedian, gadfly, political/social commentator and speaker of the ribald, and relives his trials — with himself narrating, and the audience as a new-generation jury. Hear his case again, with new ears, different norms, fresh outlooks and blown minds.

The stage play in its complete form is contained here, along with Bruce bio info, and a sampling of the local reviews the show received when premiered in 2004.

What changes occured? Longtime Bruce advocate Edward Azlant (RIP) included it in his footnotes, among his larger published Bruce tribute. A direct phone call of encouragement (and subsequent unforgettable conversation) was received from Nat Hentoff (RIP), the journalist most quoted among any serious discussion of Bruce. And finally, the woman herself, Kitty Bruce, Lenny's daughter, found out and sent words of thanks and encouragement!


Even a strange dream encounter with Bruce himself... in a bizarre mellowed voice... assured me: "I'm gonna be there, but don't look for me." True. This show had so many surreal moments during initial development... it's spooky.

Not quite everyone loved this show, but plenty important names endorsed it.

Own it, read it, enjoy it, discuss it all again. The most important stand-up comedian of the 20th Century is worth remembering... and seeing live, if you get the chance (via this show).

Lenny, you finally Rest In Peace, but the minds you blew and the ears you opened, still reel, and fight on!

Get it in paperback or e-reader!

Theatrical orgs who wish to produce/perform this show, the expense is not prohibitive we assure you, surprisingly friendly, and eager to compliment (add spice to) your upcoming season! It won't break your theatre's budget, but will get you noticed!

Rob Foster is approachable, a nostalgic historian concerning early 20th Century comedy, and lives and works in Central California, near the mysterious mountains of Sequoia National Forest.

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