Sunday, August 30, 2020

Exercise Your Freedoms!

Elevate your horizons. Look around. Take in the sights. Stop shouldering those heavy societal burdens, as if they were yours to bear alone. Read for pleasure. Let the trolls and bureaucrats sort out the commas and periods. Fosterical has a parade of great, memorable reads, waiting for your eyes to explore and your brain to feast upon. Check out these latest from the fantastic Fosterical Library: 

Oliver Akers thought he was the worst stand-up comic in Hollywood. That is until he saw the act of a guy named Joey Lou Dillerbacher… along with the rest of the Dillerbacher showbiz clan. It only gnawed at him more, that they got gigs despite being awful. Gig after gig after gig – they are so under-talented and over-rewarded, they'd p.o. the Pope. Even worse, Oliver suddenly finds himself on a relentless loop crossing their path! On a multi-state road trip yet. With his own career going south fast, Oliver must somehow pull his funny out of freefall to survive, physically and emotionally – especially when he stumbles onto the secret side mission of these horrible, but well-connected, performers, and becomes one of their targets. 

 Evil is reborn. Henry Armitage, grandson of the man who vanquished the cosmic anti-deity Yog Sothoth a century ago, finds himself at Miskatonic University, in search of the mysterious Necronomicon... after surveillance cameras at his own Boston College reveal their copy being stolen – by someone bearing an unnerving resemblance to historical descriptions of Wilbur Whateley, thought to be long dead. Armitage’s fears double, when he discovers a neo-satanic faction of the U.S. Military exists in an underground annex below Miskatonic. They have located the Sleeper of R’lyeh – Cthulhu – and plan to waken, and weaponize him, to pull mankind back to the dark age of ethereal galactic rule upon the Earth! Henry Armitage must prevent the redawning of an evil from beyond the cosmic veil, aided by a monster his grandfather battled, and a rogue group of Miskatonic faculty! 

Rob Foster creates a modern-day Lovecraftian nightmare – soaked in future technology and ancient blood. The rational and the incredible collide in unholy battle; a tale that will keep you awake, with the lights on – to the last word, which may not be. 

 You’ll wake up in a cold sweat, or die laughing. Scared silly. Hurry before the moment passes. Get your copies of these bed-wetters today!

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