Thursday, June 29, 2017

Use An E-Reader? Kindle? Nook? Other? You CAN Get Some of These For A Buck!

A Note From the Lad Himself:

Some years ago, I got tired of browsing books that only skimmed the surface of my interests. I began writing the kind of books I wanted to read!

I populated them with characters that I found inspiring, some based on people I wanted to "give back" to, or both! I brought forth ideas that intrigued me, and still do – for plots that stick in your think-tank after the final page is turned, and perhaps challenge you to read again and again!

Fun, escapism, envelope-pushing stories that do not obey the laws of reading physics – they carry out their mission to entertain, between the covers of every title!

I priced them as affordably as Amazon's authoring system would allow, because foremost, I wanted readers who'd spread the word about the value I strove (and still strive) to create.

The adventure awaits and I am thrilled to invite you along. The purchase of a book, or several, provides me with a small royalty that helps with my medical bills. I have a few physical issues from which writing fantastic tales of derring-do or testing your funny-bone, give me moments of disconnectedness.

Providing a unique, memorable reading experience is a whole other level of elation. I hope you'll indulge me.

Browse by simply clicking 'View All Titles" above. Buy and/or Gift, and Enjoy! Purchase via AmazonSmile (just like Amazon only with an altruist option) and make a portion of your total a donation to a worthy cause of your choice.

Oh yes, if you're a KindleUnlimited member, some of my books are free to read – in hopes that you'll love it and want a permanent copy on your device. Take the chance. Happy reading – live in joy!

– Rob

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

There Is No Gluttony Of Reading.

Read all you want. Read stuff twice. If you're worried about boredom, we have reading that won't induce any yawns – that's for sure.

Your summer reading list needs some fattening up.

Like comedy? Plays? Science fiction? Horror? Superhero genre adventure? We've got a shelf full of pleasingly plump delights.

Click 'View All Titles' above, and salivate. Browse, buy, enjoy – it's a buffet of brilliance, a face-full of fun to feast upon.

Shop via AmazonSmile and make part of your purchase total a donation. KindleUnlimited members – a number of Rob's books can be read free!

Friday, June 9, 2017

You're Not Dreaming.

Under the spell of summer? Your reading list a yawn?

All the titles in the Fosterical Library are fun to read, priced to sell, and easy to browse and buy! Just click the above link, 'View All Titles.'

Don't let anyone tell you different. Everything is available in paperback and e-reader. If you're a KindleUnlimited member, some titles – like Just Wrong and You Can Run – are available to read free!

Buy via AmazonSmile and make part of your total a donation to your pet charity. Your purchase alone is one to Rob's doctor bills.

You will awake on the count of three… One... Two...

Friday, June 2, 2017

Stop The Spin!

Honestly, you can’t tell the heroes from the villains in today’s carnival-like world. It’s a crazy ride!

How does one keep eyes on the prize? Calm down, and read between the lines!

You want the line drawn between what’s real and imagined? You want to know who the players are and whom are just heckling loud enough to distract from the game?

We got heroes here. Of all kinds. Heroes who must either look beyond their differences, or figure out how to use their differences wisely, to focus on what’s right and act against the common foe!


If you haven’t already, you need to first read OUTSUPERED, OR I SAVED THE WORLD AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS CAPE – to get up to speed.

Both are available in paperback and e-reader! You’ll also find them above with a click of ‘View All Titles.’ Browse heroically and help rescue Rob from his hospital costs.

Purchase via AmazonSmile and make part of your total purchase an appreciated donation to your own favored charity! You can do it – it’s one of your superpowers!