Yes, it happened, and may happen again. We don't know who is reading all those wonderful books, but more people than can be calculated have browsed, bought, shared — and may yet still browse, buy, share — and enjoy them.
Multiple authors (including Yours Truly) and LOTS of great reads experienced exposure galore, with vast audiences untapped before!
A screenshot of my Facebook page during April 2021.
The #Bookfaire idea is really very simple.
It's the taking of the #Writerslift concept to the next level.
It's a bit more labor-intensive for the person hosting it, than just a Writerslift, but the potential extra rewards are well worth the effort.
To host an online #Bookfaire...
First, announce a Bookfaire with a promo for your own book, the same way you would to announce a Writerslift.
When other authors send you a link to their books, Retweet them the same way you would for a Writerslift. Then...
Share their books on your own personal online platforms outside of Twitter.
Do you have an author website? A Facebook page? An Instagram account? A Pinterest account? A blog? A... whatever (some free Tattoo space?)
THIS is the "Faire" aspect... like renting a booth at a faire, and using it to expose/market/sell your and their books together, like an informal free market mercantile... online!
Yes, before, you used your platforms to sell only your book(s), but you're being a host here... a conduit for other authors like yourself.
Here's the hard part. Be magnanimous. Give your friend-base (on each platform, especially the ones you know are voracious booklovers) the message: Help these authors out — browse, shop, and if you don't buy, would you be so kind as to SHARE whichever links you browsed, with your own friend-base(s).
This sends a brave little booklink on a never-ending journey... a quest... across the entire Worldwide Web, to find a sale. It may just go one more layer of new audience, or a thousand layers.
It can be large-scale or small. You decide. But the important thing to remember is at first — in the beginning stage — it's all on YOU, the host. Transferring the links you receive over to other platforms, is work. You decide what form it takes, how simplistic or sophisticated. But commit to doing it.
You are providing a service — for a finite time period; with your own energy and time — and space — to make this "event" spark. But it's something that a Writerslift alone just cannot do.
You may even make a few booksales yourself if you include yourself.
Buyers buy through the usual channels — all sales of a given book go to its author, as usual.
No one is getting a commission on the sales, no one is taking anything "off the top." Sales are legitimate, and all new contacts made are completely confidential, unless a given author makes them public.
Authors are still in control regarding their individual book(s). No one is dipping into their till, other than the usual 3rd Parties with whom each individual author has a separate deal with.
The #Bookfaire is simply a conduit to fresh audiences and new sales opportunities.
(THIS is the business model I came up with, just by "making it up as I went." I own no copyright on it — take it and run! It's to make the whole marketplace expand, to create a broader path — that can include ME along with everyone else. And if one of you thinks of an IMPROVEMENT to this model, by all means, be brave, and public, with it.)
Happy writing, and happy sales!
— Rob
Oh, and by the way...
So funny it's scary:

Rob Foster is the author of other well-reviewed novels in the humorous, science fiction and superhero genres. He lives and writes somewhere in the mysterious mountains of central California, near Sequoia National Forest.